Dispensing Pharmacy

  1. Dispensing Pharmacy Jobs
  2. Dispensing Process Pharmacy Technician
JurisdictionPhysician Dispensing LimitsSourceAdditional Costs
AlabamaPhysicians can dispense, does not need to register unless prescribing controlled substances

$0 – no registration required for dispensing legend medication

AlaskaPhysicians may dispense medication as long as they do not represent themselves as a pharmacist

$0 – no registration required for dispensing legend medication

ArizonaCan dispense as long as they register with the State Board

$200 initial and $150 renewal

ArkansasPhysicians must dispense medications themselves. Must obtain approval from the State Medical board in order to dispense

$0 – only has to send application to State Medical Board- but can start dispensing legend topicals immediately (With NDPCP#), no going through board needed

CaliforniaMay dispense but must give patient option to purchase medication elsewhere

$0 – no registrations required for dispensing legend medication

ColoradoNo restrictions and may compound and dispense. PAs and NPs may also dispense. No registration required

$0 – no registrations required for dispensing legend medication

ConnecticutNo Restrictions, no permit required

$0 – no registrations required for dispensing legend medication

DelawareNo Restrictions and no permit required. PAs and NPs may also dispense

$0 – no registrations required for dispensing legend medication

FloridaMust register with the Dept of Health and pay a fee

$100 registration and $100 annual renewal

GeorgiaMust notify the Georgia Composite Medical Board in writing

Must send certified letter of intent to State Board

HawaiiMust obtain a wholesale prescription drug distribution license and pay a small fee

Even Numbered year $410.00. Odd numbered year $239.00

IdahoMay dispense legend drugs if physician is acting within scope of license

$35 registration fee

IllinoisMay dispense legend drugs under state medical license in compliance with state and federal laws

$0 – no registrations required for dispensing legend medication

IndianaLicensed physicians, advanced practice nurses, and physician assistants may dispense legend drugs in Indiana in the course of their professional practice

$0 – no registrations required for dispensing legend medication

IowaPhysicians in Iowa may dispense noncontrolled legend drugs within their medical purview

Must notify State Board of Intent to dispense every 2 years

KansasPhysicians and Physician Assistants in Kansas may dispense non-controlled legend drugs to their patients, so long as they meet all labeling requirements and follow all state and federal regulations.

$0 – no registrations required for dispensing legend medication

KentuckyKentucky permits physicians to dispense medications in the normal course of their practice that they are authorized to prescribe. Under Kentucky law, the physician may not delegate the dispensing duties to Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners or other staff

$0 – no registrations required for dispensing legend medication

LouisianaPhysicians who wish to dispense medications in Louisiana must register with the state as a dispensing physician and pay the registration fee. Advance Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) are allowed to hand prepackaged medications to the patient ('distribute').

$75. Also complete the checklist

MainePhysician dispensing is currently permitted in Maine under the physician's state medical license.

$0 – no registrations required for dispensing legend medication

MarylandProviders can dispense medications in Maryland but must first obtain a dispensing permit from the Maryland Board of Physicians and pay a fee (currently $1,050). Maryland also requires that dispensing physicians display their dispensing permit at the location where prescription drugs are being dispensed and follow certain labeling and record-keeping requirements.

$1050 per dispensing location and physician

MassachusettsPhysicians in Massachusetts can only dispense a single dose or enough for 'immediate' needs, making it impractical for physicians to dispense in the state.

MichiganPhysicians can dispense in Michigan but must first obtain a drug control license (even if only dispensing noncontrolled legend drugs) and pay a small fee
MinnesotaThe state of Minnesota allows a physician who is authorized to prescribe legend drugs in the state the ability to dispense those medications during the normal course of practicing medicine. No dispensing permit is required for noncontrolled or controlled medications

$0 – no registrations required for dispensing legend medication

MississippiMississippi is a very favorable physician dispensing state, with no separate permit required for dispensing, including dispensing controlled substances. Nurse Practioners (NPs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) may also dispense under their licenses.

$0 – must fill out Dispensing Drugs for Profit form

MissouriPhysicians and Physician Assistants in Missouri may dispense medications to individuals with whom they have established a physician/patient relationship

$0 – no registrations required for dispensing legend medication

MontanaPhysician dispensing not allowed except in very limited circumstances.

NebraskaPhysicians who wish to dispense in Nebraska must first apply for and receive a pharmacy permit. The permit allows physicians to dispense any medication that the physician is eligible to prescribe as long as they comply with all state and federal laws.

Depends on Month and year- varies from $44.50- $178.00

NevadaPhysicians and other practitioners may dispense medications to their patients as long as they comply with all state and federal laws and complete the Application for Authority to Dispense Drugs and receive a dispensing permit. This permit is required for all legend drugs (controlled and noncontrolled).

$300.00 sent with application, only original signature accepted.
Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) may also dispense and have a separate application to complete.

New HampshirePhysicians may dispense medications to their patients under their state medical license with no dispensing permit required

$0 – no registrations required for dispensing legend medication

New JerseyPhysician shall not dispense more than a 7-day supply of drugs or medicines to any patient

New MexicoPhysicians may dispense noncontrolled legend (prescription) drugs in New Mexico under their state medical license to patients under their care so long as they comply with all state and federal regulations (including labeling and drug storage requirements).

$0 – no registrations required for dispensing legend medication

New YorkPhysician dispensing is limited to no more than a 72-hour supply except for certain specific exceptions. As such, very few physicians dispense in New York state.

North CarolinaPhysicians can dispense medications in North Carolina after applying for and receiving a state Dispensing Physician Registration. As always, dispensing practitioners must comply with all state and federal regulations when dispensing. Physician Assistants (PAs) and Nurse Practitioners (NPs) may also dispense prescriptions they have written but must also apply for a dispensing permit.

$75.00 annually to register with board

North DakotaPhysician dispensing regulations in North Dakota are among the most favorable in the country, with no special permitting requirements.

$0 – no requirements

OhioPhysician dispensing is allowed in Ohio but there are certain restrictions. Sole practitioners may be able to dispense without a permit, but most practitioners will need to apply for and receive a Terminal Distributor of Dangerous Drugs (TDDD) license (in Ohio, 'dangerous drugs' refers to all medications that require a prescription).

$0 fee associated with application

OklahomaPhysicians in Oklahoma are eligible to dispense medications in the normal course of practicing medicine once they have registered with the state medical board as a dispensing physician (no charge to register)

$0 to register with board

OregonPhysicians in Oregon can dispense medications to their patients in the ordinary course of practice once they are registered as a dispensing physician. Registering as a dispensing physician requires a simple application with the Oregon Medical Board and is designated on the physician's state medical license.


PennsylvaniaPhysicians can dispense in Pennsylvania under their state medical license to patients under their care, with certain restrictions. In particular, physicians may dispense no more than a 30 day supply of medications (7 days for schedule II and schedule III medications


Rhode IslandPhysicians in Rhode Island who are authorized to prescribe medications in the state have the ability to dispense those medications to patients under their care during the normal course of practicing medicine. No additional permit or license is required although physicians wishing to dispense controlled medications must register with the state.


South CarolinaPhysicians can dispense medications in South Carolina to patients under their care. A dispensing permit is required for 'non-owned' sites, meaning sites not directly and wholly owned by the dispensing practitioner.

Depends on if site is wholly owned by SC licensed physician or not

South DakotaPhysicians in South Dakota may dispense medications to patients under their care but must first complete a controlled substances registration form and pay a small fee (currently $150). Nurse practioners (NPs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) may also dispense as long as it is expressly allowed by their supervising physician.


TennesseePhysicians in Tennessee may dispense medications to patients under their care with no additional permit required


TexasPhysician dispensing is not allowed in Texas aside from a handful of exceptions, such as rural clinics.

UtahAllowed pre-packaged dispensing in employer sponsored clinics


VermontPhysicians can dispense in Vermont to patients under their care as long as they comply with all state and federal regulations, including drug storage and labeling requirements. No separate license is required for physician in-office dispensing. Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) may also dispense as long as this responsibility has been delegated by the supervising physician.


VirginiaPhysicians can dispense medications in-office in Virginia but must first apply for and receive a dispensing license, regardless of whether the physicians is dispensing controlled or non-controlled prescription medications. The regulation allows for a pharmacy technician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant to assist the licensed physician in preparing the drug for dispensing, but the physician must be on site and is responsible for offering to counsel the patient and inspecting the medication, among other requirements. Each dispensing physician must have his or her own license, and the facility where dispensing occurs must also be licensed and may be subject to periodic inspection.

$180 with application

WashingtonPhysician dispensing regulations in Washington state are very favorable and allow physicians to dispense medications in-office to patients under their care with no dispensing permit required.


West VirginiaPhysicians in West Virginia can dispense medications to patients under their care but must first register as a 'dispensing physician' and pay a small fee (currently $35 for two years). Medications may only be dispensed to patients under the physician's care and must be dispensed as part of an office visit. Physicians must also post a sign in a conspicuous place no smaller than 8.5' x 11' including the following language: 'Every patient has the right to receive a written prescription as an alternative to having legend drugs dispensed by your physician.'


WisconsinWisconsin is a very favorable state for inoffice physician dispensing, requiring no special permit, license or fee for physicians to dispense medications to patients under their care. This applies to both controlled and non-controlled legend drugs.


WyomingWyoming does not allow physician dispensing outside of rare exceptions

The information in the table above is for reference only.

Dispensing Pharmacy Jobs

About Us Beyond Dispensing is a multi-faceted business providing solutions for pharmaceutical needs across multiple platforms. With a passion in the art of prescription management, cost savings and a leading pharmacy. Some specialty pharmacy channels offer preset 14-day 'split fill' programs. However, practices that offer automated medication dispensing systems at the point of care can improve medication adherence by: Dispensing a portion of the amount that coincides with the patient's office visits; Adjusting the prescription as needed, reducing waste.

Dispensing Process Pharmacy Technician

Dispensing in the sense of pharmacy means to prepare and supply medicine in suitable dosage forms based on the written prescription by registered medical practitioner or by physician in suitable.