Onset Rime

I made these little simple onset and rime matching games over the summer.
  1. Onset Rime Bingo
  2. Onset Rime Jack Hartmann
  3. Onset Rime Words
  4. Onset Rime Picture Cards
  5. Onset Rime Examples
Anyway, I've gotten so much use out of these since school started. It's such a simple concept. Match the beginning sound to the ending sound. The graphics are so important to beginning readers, and I tried to use common words the students would know.
When I opened my TPT (Teachers Pay Teachers) store in September, I wanted something to offer for free to teachers that they could really use. As of today, close to 50,000 of them have been downloaded. I get such a thrill knowing kids all over the country are using a little game that I made!
If you'd like to download them, click here. You need to download all the games separately.

This Onset and Rime Slide Lesson Plan is suitable for Kindergarten - 1st Grade. Discover onset and rime blends using this interactive activity which will appeal to your kinesthetic learners. Using the sliding templates provided, budding readers try different onsets with each rime. Onset and rime are terms that technically describe the phonological units of a spoken s yllable. Syllables are normally split up into two parts, the onset and the rime. Onset - the initial phonological unit of any word which contains the initial consonant or consonant blend. However, not all words have onsets. Onset-Rime Segmentation. It is vital for a child to learn segmentation skills in order to acquire reading capability and development. When the sound of each word is isolated, slowly saying each sound in a word, this is called segmentation, for example, c-a-t. When segmenting onset and rimes, children will identify onsets in 'spoon' and 'flat. Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Onset And Rime. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Phonics, Onset rime and phonemic awareness, Essential word reading lists fay tran, Explicit teaching of onset and rime units to a group of, Phonemic awareness kindergarten and first grade, Complete list of 37 rimes model words and illustrations, Explicit rime unit teaching using the 37. Each Onset & Rime candle is thoughtfully designed for people whose love of books goes beyond the final pages. We use locally sourced, renewable and biodegradable soy wax, and our fragrance oils are paraben and phthalate free.

Onset Rime Bingo

You need to copy and laminate all the cards. I like to cut them with a paper trimmer and I cut outside the colored lines. It looks nicer and takes less thought.
When I set it up for the kids in school, I separate the cards, and put the onsets on the left and the rimes on the right or I use 2 mini pocket charts side by side.
These are the mini pocket charts from Target. I LOVE them and I bought about 14 of them in August. (yes, turquoise!!!!!! <3) They're all over my room.

Onset Rime Jack Hartmann

Kids get extra practice writing the CVC words with the addition of recording sheets. There are answer keys in each set, as well.

Onset Rime Words


Onset Rime Picture Cards

If you're a teacher and you're creative, think about opening up a TPT store. Since I opened mine in September, I've had a blast. Enjoy!!!
Onset rime

Onset Rime Examples