Terminal Services In Windows 7

  1. Terminal Services Manager Windows 7
  2. Enable Terminal Services In Windows 7
  3. Terminal Services In Windows 7 32-bit

Prepare Terminal Server Licensing. Terminal Services requires special CALs for each client. 1-MS terminal services client is already install in windows 7 if yes then from where i can found it? 2-Do we need to install it in window 7? 3-IS Remote Application and Desktop Connections in control panel is also known as MS terminal services client for windows 7? The Terminal Services Easy Print driver is a feature in Windows Server 2008 that enables users to reliably print from a Terminal Services RemoteApp™ program or from a terminal server desktop session to the correct printer on their client computer. You can install Windows Terminal from the Microsoft Store. If you don't have access to the Microsoft Store, the builds are published on the GitHub releases page. If you install from GitHub, the terminal will not automatically update with new versions. By default, the ability to RDP or Remote Desktop into Windows 7 is disabled. I discovered this today when I was in a conference room at work and tried to RDP into my Windows 7 RTM box.

Windows 7 / Getting Started

The Terminal Server role is defined in the same way as all other server roles in theenterprise. Then it involves the basic server staging process, applying your customized kernel to the server. Next, proceed as follows:

Terminal Services In Windows 7
  1. Use the Server Manager console to select Add Roles.
  2. Select the Terminal Services role.
  3. Use the values in Table-3 to run through the installation and configuration wizard.

The role is installed. Now you're ready to proceed to the next steps.

CAUTION: The TS Gateway role should be installed on a separate server because it may be in a perimeter network.

Prepare Terminal Server Licensing

Terminal Services requires special CALs for each client that connects to the server. This isbecause each client connecting to Terminal Services in application mode-as opposed toadministrative mode-is actually opening a Windows Server 2008 remote session. Even ifyou have hardware that does not support Windows Vista, you can give users access to all ofits features through remote terminal sessions on WS08 servers. If, on the other hand, you dohave client hardware that supports Windows Vista, you gain a lot of advantages throughTerminal Services. For example, there is no client component to deploy to have TerminalSessions operate on a Windows Vista client because it already includes an updated RemoteDesktop client. This means that you can focus on centralizing applications and the use of asimpler application deployment model.

TABLE-3 Install the Terminal Services Role
Add Terminal Services Role Wizard PageValues
Terminal ServicesReview the available information, if you need to, and move on to the next page.
Select Role ServicesSeveral role services are available:
Select Terminal Server since you want to share applications.
TS Licensing is required if you want to use Terminal Services in Application mode. TS uses separate client access licenses (CALs) for sharingapplications. If you are installing Terminal Services for administrative purposes, then TS Licensing is not required. Note that only a few TSLicensing servers are required in the network for redundancy. Do not install this on each TS server.
TS Session Broker is used to provide connection continuity for users roaming from system to system.
TS Gateway lets users connect to shared applications over commonInternet ports. This service requires IIS, Network Policy and Access Services, and Windows Process Activation Service. Add required role services.
TS Web Access lets users access shared applications through a Web portal. This service requires additional Application Development and Security components for IIS, as well as .NET support in the Windows Process Activation Service. Add required role services.
Application CompatibilityIf applications are already installed on the server, you will need to uninstall and then reinstall them once the TS components are installed so that they can operate in multiuser mode.
Authentication MethodsSelect Require Network Level Authentication. All clients will require the latest edition of the Remote Desktop client in order to use shared applications, but application connections will be more secure. Vista and WS08 systems already have this client.
Specify Licensing ModeThis lets you determine who needs a CAL, the user or the device. If users roam from system to system, using shared computers to access shared applications, then use Per User. If, however, your users have a principal PC that is assigned to them, then select Per Device. Make sure you select the proper TS CALs when you configure licensing later.
User GroupsSelect the user groups that will be allowed to access these shared applications. If you intend to restrict application access to specific groups-for example, you are setting up a server to run financialapplications and only want the financial group to access them- then select or create the appropriate group. Otherwise-and this is more common-select Domain Users to allow any user in your domain to access these applications.
Configure Scope for TS LicensingThe scope of the TS licenses can cover either the entire forest or the domain you are in. You will only have a single global child domain; therefore, select This Domain.
Note In this case, only administrators will need access to sharedapplications throughout the forest-Server Manager, for example-and since they do not need a license for remote administration, you do not need to apply the licensing scope to the entire forest.
Server Authentication CertificateTS Gateway uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to secure communications between clients and servers. To do so, it requires a PKI certificate. Three choices are available:
  • Use an existing certificate
  • Create a self-signed certificate
  • Choose a certificate later
The first or third choice is recommended. If at all possible, you should select a certificate from an external CA because it will automatically be trusted by the clients on your network. If you choose a self-signed certificate, you will need to install it manually on each client that interacts with this server.
Create Authorization PoliciesPolicies are required to allow Internet users to access TS Gateway applications. You can configure them later or configure them now. Select Now.
Select User GroupsSelect the user groups that will be allowed to access shared applications through the gateway. If you intend to restrict application access to specific groups-for example, you are setting up a server to run remote applications and only want a select group of users toaccess them-then select or create the appropriate group. Otherwise, select Domain Users to allow any user in your domain to access these applications through the Internet.
Create a TS CAPConnection authorization policies (CAPs) allow users to connect to the server when they meet specific conditions. CAPs can rely only on passwords, providing simple security, or on smart cards, relying on twofactorauthentication. Two items are required, something you have, the card, and something you know, the password, to authenticate.
Create a TS RAPResource authorization policies (RAPs) let you limit the internal resources Internet users can connect to inside your network. Users can connect to any computer or only specific computers. In this case, since you are creating a RAP for Terminal Services, make sure you create a customsecurity group in ADDS that includes the computer accounts of all of the servers that will run the TS role, and assign the RAP to this group.
Network Policy and Access Services (NPAS)NPAS servers are used to enforce both CAPs and RAPs. Review the information about this role before moving on.
NPAS Role ServicesFor NPAS support of the TS Gateway, only the Network Policy Server is required. Select only this role before you move on.
Note Only a few network policy servers are required in the network for redundancy. If this is not the first server you install for this role, then make sure you do not add this role to this server.
Web Server (IIS)Review information about this role, if required, before you move on.
Web Server Role ServicesIIS is required for both the TS Gateway and TS Web Access. Accept the default selections and move on.
Note Only a few TS Gateways and TS Web Access servers are required for redundancy. Do not assign this role to every TS server in your network.
Confirm Installation SelectionsReview your choices before proceeding. Use the Previous button to make corrections if required. Click Install when ready.
Installation Progress and Installation ResultsReview the installation progress, reboot the server, and then click Finish when the installation is complete.
It is important to install the Desktop Experience, activate the Themes service on WS08TS servers, and enable the Windows Vista theme; otherwise, Windows Vista users will be facedwith a Windows 2000-like interface when accessing remote applications in Terminal Servicesmode. This will most certainly lead to confusion (Windows Vista on the desktop and Windows2000 on remote sessions) and increase support calls.

Unlicensed servers will only allow clients to operate for 120 days, after which allsessions will end and the TS server will no longer respond to client requests. In order tolicense servers, you must install a Terminal Services license server. This server must beactivated by Microsoft before it can begin to issue permanent licenses to your organization.Activation is the first step for this role.

  1. Begin by moving to the Terminal Services node in Server Manager.
  2. In the details pane, scroll down to the Advanced Tools section.
  3. Click TS Licensing. This launches the TS Licensing Manager (TSLM). TSLM beginsby scanning the network for TS licensing servers and then displays them once they are found.
  4. To activate a server, right-click it and select Activate Server.
  5. This launches the Activation Wizard. Click Next.
  6. Select the connection method. Automatic Connection is the best. Click Next.
  7. Enter your personal information and click Next.
  8. Provide contact information and click Next.
  9. This will activate the server. Make sure the Start Install Licenses Wizard option is selected, and click Next.
  10. Review the information and click Next. This locates the Microsoft Activation Server.
  11. Select the appropriate license program based on the type of licenses you purchased, and click Next.
  12. Type your license code(s), and click Add. Click Next when done to complete theInstall License Wizard. The wizard then connects to the Microsoft Clearing Houseand installs the license key packs. Click Finish when done, and close the TS License Manager.

Now you're ready to start issuing licenses to TS sessions. This is an area where you willwant to apply Group Policy settings. By default, TS servers issue licenses to any server thatrequests one. By using the License Server Security Group GPO setting-under ComputerConfiguration | Policies | Administrative Templates | Windows Components | TerminalServices | TS Licensing-you can restrict TS sessions to authorized TS servers only. To doso, you will need to place the TS servers you want to grant licenses to in the Terminal ServerComputers group on the TS licensing server. This will ensure that licenses are not wasted bybeing granted to servers running Terminal Services in remote administration mode.


In this tutorial:

Windows 7 / Networking

In this section, we'll talk about setting up, configuring, and managing TS, Terminal Server,and the other TS role services except TS Licensing and Remote Desktop Connection, which will be discussed in later sections.

Terminal Services Manager Windows 7

Install the Terminal Services Roles


TS is a role that is installed from the Server Manager, while Terminal Server, TS Web Access,TS Licensing, TS Gateway, and TS Session Broker are all role services that you canseparately select while you are installing the TS role. TS Configuration and TS Managerare automatically installed with TS Services, while TS RemoteApp is automatically installed with Terminal Server.

NOTE: It is not recommended that you install TS on an Active Directory domain controller becauseit increases your security risks and, since TS uses a lot of computer resources, it degrades AD'sperformance. Running TS within an AD domain is needed for some of TS's functions, such as TSSession Broker, and provides added capabilities to others, such as TS Licensing.
NOTE: To install the TS role and the role services discussed here, if you have not already done so, youwill be told to also install Network Policy And Access Services, Web Server (IIS), and Windows ProcessActivation Service. The Add Roles Wizard will automatically lead you through those additional installations.
  1. If the Server Manager is not already open, click Start | Server Manager. In anycase, click Roles in the left pane of the Server Manager window and click Add Roles in the right pane.
  2. Click the role services that you want to install. For the sake of following thediscussion here, click Terminal Server, TS Session Broker (you must be in adomain), TS Gateway (click Add Required Features), and TS Web Access (click Add Required Role Services), and click Next.
  3. Read the note about the need to install any application you want to run with TS after installing TS and click Next.
  4. Read about Network Level Authentication and decide if you want to use it. Amajor factor is that it is available only with Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) 6.0,which is in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 and can be downloadedfor Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1 or SP2, but it significantly enhances security. Click your choice and click Next.
  5. You are asked to determine the type of TS licensing you want to use. For thediscussion here, leave that decision to a later section in this tutorial. You have120 days to make the decision. Leave the default, Configure Later, selected and click Next.
  6. Add the users or user groups that will use TS by clicking Add, clickingAdvanced, clicking Find Now, double-clicking a user or group in the list, andclicking OK. Repeat this as you need. When you are ready, click Next.
  7. You are told that TS Gateway requires a certificate to use the Secure SocketsLayer (SSL) protocol to encrypt transmissions and you have three options fora certificate, two of which are discussed here:
    • If you have a certificate on the server already, click the first option; if thecertificate is in the Windows certificate store, it will be listed. Otherwise,click Import and follow the steps of the Certificate Import Wizard, clicking Next as needed.
    • If you don't have a certificate, click the second option, and a self-signed certificate will be created for you.
  8. Click Next. A TS connection authorization policy (TS CAP), which allowsusers to pass through a TS Gateway and access a network, and a TS resourceauthorization policy (TS RAP), which allows users to pass through a TSGateway and utilize particular computers running Terminal Server and otherresources, are explained. Click Now to create the policies now and click Next.
  9. Add the user groups that will use TS Gateway as described in Step 7 and click Next.
  10. Enter the name for your TS CAP, accept the default of using a password, andclick Next. Enter the name for your TS RAP, choose whether to use specificcomputer groups you select or all computers on the network, and click Next.
  11. If it is not already installed, read the introduction to Network Policy AndAccess Services and click Next. Accept the default of installing the Network Policy Server role service and click Next.
  12. Read the introduction to Web Server IIS and click Next. Accept the default role services that are checked and click Next.
  13. Review the roles and role services that will be installed to implement TS and itsservices. If you want to change anything, click Previous and make the change.When you are ready, click Install. The installation process will take a few minutes.
  14. Click Close, and click Yes to restart your computer. After restarting your roles,role services will be configured and you will be given a warning message thatTS Licensing is not installed and that you have 119 days to do that (the dayyou install it counts as the first day). When it is done, you will be told it was successful. Click Close.
    NOTE: The warning message that TS Licensing is not installed and that you have so many days to dothat will reappear every time you restart your computer. This is called 'nagware' and it is unfortunate that Microsoft is using it.
  15. Open Roles in the left column of the Server Manager and click TerminalServices. In the right pane, you should see three informational events that tellyou that your TS RAP, TS CAP, and certificate have been created; the system services that are running; and the role services that are installed.

Enable Terminal Services In Windows 7

TIP: Since there's no obvious way to tell which of the three informational events is which, you can select each and click Properties to find out.
NOTE: Remote Desktop Connection, although not installed by default on Windows Server 2008, isautomatically installed when you install TS. See 'Use Applications Server Mode' later in this tutorial.

Terminal Services In Windows 7 32-bit

In this tutorial: