Top 12 Excellent Health Benefits Of Curdtechnogurunews

Watercress health benefits includes preventing breast cancer, offers a rich supply of vitamin C necessary for brain tissue repairs, boosting immunity, lowering blood pressure, improving thyroid gland function and preventing iron deficiency. Other benefits includes preventing hangover, promoting weight loss, purifying the blood, maintaining healthy bones, treating diabetes, improving vision, reducing damage caused by oxidative stress, managing gallbladder function, supporting hair health, strengthening teeth, preventing regular cold and improving brain health.

  1. Health Benefits Of Broccoli
  2. Top 12 Excellent Health Benefits Of Curdtechnogurunews Health
  3. Health Benefits Of Cabbage

What Is Watercress?

Here are the top 12 isometric exercises and tips on how to complete them. Be sure to shake up one scoop of Perform, The Amino Company's Athletic Performance blend, to help increase stamina and amplify muscle building and fat burning. Raisins provide you with several essential nutrients, and eating them daily may provide you with some health benefits. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 suggest consuming 2 cups of fruit daily when eating 2,000 calories a day. Poor workplace COVID-19 precautions exacted a greater toll on workers’ mental health than losing a job during the pandemic, a new study has found. More than half of essential workers with. The Top 10 Foods for Better Health. Teas: Top 10 Foods for Better Health. From green tea to hibiscus. From white tea to chamomile. Teas are chock full of flavonoids and other healthy goodies. Although most people think of tea as a soothing and delicious beverage. It possesses a remarkable wealth of antioxidants.

Watercress is a mineral-dense dark, leafy green that originated from Asia and Europe, and is grown in natural spring water and slow meandering streams. It has a slightly peppery taste and an interesting balance of crunchy edible stalks and soft leaves.

This cousin of kale has long been known as a deliciously nutritious herb and a natural solution for numerous ailments ? and you are probably most familiar with its use on sandwiches, in salads, and as a partially steamed side dish. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention categorizes watercress as a ?powerhouse? vegetable.

Nutritional Value of Watercress

The vitamin C content in watercress is higher than that of an orange! Furthermore, it contains more iron than spinach, packs more calcium than milk, and has more folate than bananas. The vegetable also boasts a high content of vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium, all of which are vital for a healthy body.

1 cup of chopped watercress has:

Nutrient ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??Quantity

  • Vitamin A? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1085 IU
  • Vitamin C? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 6 mg
  • Niacin? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 mg
  • Folate? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 mcg
  • Vitamin K? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 mcg
  • Calcium? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?8 mg
  • Magnesium? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1 mg
  • Phosphorus? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 4 mg
  • Sodium? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 9 mg

19 Amazing Health Benefits of Watercress

1. Prevents Breast Cancer

Watercress has very active cancer preventive phytonutrients that even consuming just one salad has shown to increase particles into the body?s cardiovascular system that may in turn stop and prevent the return of breast cancer.

Another study on the anti-carcinogenic capabilities of watercress confirmed that it was extremely beneficial when added to the diet as a cancer preventive for lung, breast, as well as stomach cancer.

2. Offers a Rich Supply of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the main nutrients required by the body to function optimally since it reduces the risk of having blood cell damage, repairs brain tissue, and protects the body against various diseases.

3. Boosts Immunity

The high vitamin C content is perfect for protecting your body against diseases caused by bacteria, virus, and fungi. The plentiful supply of the vitamin releases antioxidants, which help eliminate free radicals and any symptoms of inflammation from your body, thereby improving your immunity.

4. Lowers Blood Pressure

High levels of zeaxanthin and lutein have been linked with aiding those people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. As per a study, higher levels of zeaxanthin and lutein were linked with less atherosclerosis, also known as artery hardening, as compared to those with lower carotenoid levels. Moreover, participants with higher levels of carotenoid blood were also less susceptible to experience heart attacks.

5. Improves Thyroid Gland Function

Watercress may work by reducing the production of thyroid hormone when eaten raw. If there is an uncontrolled production of thyroid hormone, you will most probably suffer from diseases like hypothyroidism or goiter, which have their symptoms, such as depression, constipation and weight gain.

6. Prevents Iron Deficiency (anemia)

Watercress is a rich source of iron, which is required to provide hemoglobin to the body. Hemoglobin certainly increases red blood cells, which is very beneficial for people who tend are genetically iron deficient or have lost a lot of blood (because of injury, during pregnancy or menstrual period, etc.)

7. Prevents Hangover

Health Benefits Of Broccoli

Consuming watercress juice is ideal for curing a hangover since the vegetable works to stimulate the cleansing enzymes in order to detoxify your liver, thus preventing you from feeling the vicious aftermath of excess drinking.

8. Promotes Weight Loss

Watercress has a pretty low-calorie content (around 18 calories per serving), making this plant beneficial for anyone looking to lose weight. Plus, it contains dietary fiber and amino acids, which keep you feeling full for long periods of time and prevent casual snacking.

9. Has Purifying Effects

Watercress contains cleansing agents that are very important for purifying the body. The plant increases diuresis, which efficiently eliminates toxins from the whole body.

10. Maintains Healthy Bones

Watercress offers an abundant supply of vitamin K, lack of which is linked with a higher risk of bone rupture. Sufficient vitamin K consumption improves health of your bones by acting as a changer of bone matrix proteins, enhancing the absorption of calcium, and reducing urinary discharge of calcium.

11. Treats Diabetes

Watercress packs an antioxidant known as alpha-lipoic acid, which has been shown to lower glucose levels, prevent changes brought on by oxidative stress, and increase insulin sensitivity.

12. Improves Vision

A European study found out that vitamin C might be helpful in minimizing the risk of cataract development. Since watercress is a rich source of vitamin C, it may even be helpful at improving your eyesight.

13. Reduces Damage Caused by Oxidative Stress

A research study suggests that vitamin C, in combination with vitamin E is pretty effective at reducing oxidative damage to red blood cells. Even though the study is based on supplements, it is also suggested that eating foods like watercress with these nutrients may actually be very beneficial to health.

14. Manages Gallbladder Function

Owing to high water content present in watercress, the plant helps eliminate harmful toxins that may be hindering the gallbladder function.

15. Healthier Hair

Minerals like zinc, iron, and various vitamins are crucial for healthy hair, most of which are present in watercress. Zinc helps wash away the bacteria from your scalp, thus acting as an anti-dandruff component.

16. Cures Coughs

Top 12 Excellent Health Benefits Of Curdtechnogurunews Health

Watercress has a compound known as Sulphur glycosides, which is strong enough to treat any disease related to long-term bronchitis, specifically coughs.

17. Strengthens Teeth

Because watercress is an excellent source of calcium, it can be extremely beneficial for your teeth. Consuming the plant will add strength to your teeth, and also cure bleeding gums.

Health Benefits Of Cabbage

18. Improves Brain Health

Vitamin C consumption may be helpful in preventing cognitive changes associated with aging and Alzheimer?s, and also repairing brain tissues.

19. Prevents Regular Cold

Foods rich in Vitamin C, such as watercress, are known to be an effective solution for common cold. Research suggests that vitamin C-dense foods may minimize the risk of catching cold by 66%.


Watercress is a delicious and incredibly healthy plant that will change your life for good. You can add it to salads, or incorporate it into soups, sauces, casseroles, or even pasta.

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What Are The Top 10 Foods for Better Health? Imagine a choice of foods that were tasty, nutritious and good for your health. Foods that helped you maintain a healthy body weight. Improved your overall mood. Reduced your risk of developing diseases. According to several sources, surveys and researches, the following 10 foods are considered overall for better health. Some foods really are more special. “They are foods that let you eat your medicine instead of buying them at the pharmacy”. Foods that helped you maintain a healthy body weight. Improved your overall mood. Reduced your risk of developing diseases. So when you’re getting a snack from the downstairs deli, an Aramark micro market, or to a corner store, look for these foods.

The Top 10 Foods for Better Health.

10. Tea

From green tea to hibiscus. from white tea to chamomile. teas are chock full of flavonoids and other healthy goodies. Although most people think of tea as a soothing and delicious beverage. it possesses a remarkable wealth of antioxidants. Green tea can boost metabolism and oolong teas can lower blood sugar. Black tea has the highest caffeine content. It may protect lungs from damage caused by exposure to cigarette smoke. It also may reduce the risk of stroke.

9. Lean Proteins

Protein is an important part of every diet, and can be found in fish, skinless chicken and turkey, pork tenderloin and certain cuts of beef. Protein is crucial for tissue repair and building and preserving muscle. Proteins are made up of amino acids, some of which cannot be made or stored by the body and must be provided by your daily diet. However, the quality of protein foods varies. Eating lean protein helps lower cholesterol levels and decreases the risk of developing heart disease and other life-threatening illnesses.

8. Apples

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. It’s no surprise that apples are good for you. but what exactly are the health benefits of apples.? The pectin in apples lowers LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. People who eat two apples per day may lower their cholesterol by as much as 16 percent. They prevent Lung Cancer. Colon Cancer, iver Cancer and Breast Cancer. They helpful in Weight Loss. A flavanoid called phloridzin that is found only in apples may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density. Boron, another ingredient in apples, also strengthens bones. Apple juice very helpful for that children with asthma.

7. Olive Oil

Olive oil is a fat obtained from the olive. The oil is produced by grinding whole olives and extracting the oil by mechanical or chemical means. It is commonly used in cooking. It is an excellent source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that may lower the bad cholesterol and raise the good cholesterol. It contains Vitamin E and antioxidants. It’s an excellent replacement for unhealthy saturated fats like butter. It also beneficial for soft smooth skin.

6. Nuts and Seeds

Each type of nut or seed has its own set of benefits. Almonds, pecans and pistachios are rich in protein, while walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acid. Those who consume nuts five times a week have about a 50 percent reduction in risk of heart attack. Almonds added to the diet have a favorable effect on blood cholesterol levels. They protects artery walls from damage. They help build strong bones and teeth. They provide healthy fats and aid in weight loss. They help provide good brain function. They nourish the nervous system. They alkalize the body.

5. Fish

Fish is a superfood. Packed with vitamins and minerals, and a major source of omega-3 fatty acids, fish can help to protect against a range of diseases, from cancer to heart disease, depression to arthritis. A salmon-packed diet can help smooth out age lines. It also contain vitamins A and D.

4. Dark Greens Vegetables

Greens are an excellent source of iron, vitamin A and lutein for eye health. Studies have shown that a high intake of dark-leafy vegetables, such as spinach or cabbage may significantly lower a person’s risk of developing diabetes type 2. Spinach. kale. Swiss chard. collard greens. seaweed and other dark-colored greens are packed with powerful anti-cancer and anti-viral compounds. Most significantly, greens are packed with antioxidants that help reduce inflammation that can lead to cancer and heart attacks.

3. Legumes

The inexpensive legume family, which includes beans, peas, peanuts and lentils, has priceless benefits. They are are rich in folic acid, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc and antioxidants. High in protein and complex carbohydrates.They have Anti HIV effects. According to the protein combining theory, legumes should be combined with another protein source such as a grain in the same meal, to balance out the amino acid levels. Common examples of such combinations are dal with rice by Indians, beans with corn tortillas, tofu with rice, and peanut butter with wheat bread.

2. Berries

The fleshy fruites produced from a single ovary. Grapes. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries are an example.They’re high in vitamin and fiber content. They’re an excellent source of antioxidants, compounds that protect our bodies from the stress of day to day living. The antioxidant anthocyanin has triple the stress-fighting power of vitamin C and is known to block cancer-causing damage as well as the effects of many age-related diseases.They give your memory a boost. The antioxidants in berries are believed to enhance brain function.

1. Dates


Dates contains calcium. sulfur. iron. potassium. phosphorus. manganese. copper. B6 & other vitamins. folic acid. proteins. sugar and are rich in natural fibers which contribute to healthy body and mind. Eating dates eases the pain of childbirth, helps produce milk for nursing mother and also prevents blood loss after childbirth. Eating dates daily can protect against atherosclerosis. a major cause of heart attacks and strokes. Modern medicine has shown dates are effective in preventing abdominal cancer.